El registro de las llamadas no funciona o es imposible escuchar el registro.

All calls are not recorded or the quality of the recording is very poor or nonexistent, why?

There are 6 possible reasons:

  1. There is another recorder working in your phone that blocks Mobile Tracker Free. Android allows only one recorder working, so you MUST remove ALL other recorders at first, otherwise Mobile Tracker Free will surely fail to record calls.
  2. You are using a "voice assistant" app, the app is occupying the microphone, it's continuously picking up sound from the microphone to recognize your "voice command", and this blocks Mobile Tracker Free working. Please disable the voice assistant app.
    • The "OK Google" app is the most popular voice assistant in Android phones, please disable the following option in your phone:
      • In some phones, disable the "Settings > Google > Search > Voice > OK Google detection > From any screen" option.
      • In some phones, disable the "Settings > Google > Search > Voice > OK Google detection > Say Ok Google any time" option.
      • In some phones, disable the "Settings > Google > Search > Voice > Voice Match > Say Ok Google any time" option.
      • In some phones, disable the "Settings > Google > Search > Voice > Voice Match > Unlock with Voice Match" option.
    • If you are using a Samsung phone please check the "Bixby" app also, it's Samsung's own voice assistant, you should disable it.
    • If you are using a Moto phone please check the "Moto Voice" app also, it's Motorola's own voice assistant, you should disable it.
    • If you are using a Huawei phone please check the "HiVoice" app also, it's Huawei's own voice assistant, you should disable it.
      • In some Huawei phones, disable the "HiVoice" app this way:
        • Open the "Settings > Apps > HiVoice" screen, confirm the package name is "com.huawei.vassistant".
        • Click "Force Stop".
      • In some Huawei phones, disable the "Dialler > Settings > Quick Calling" option.
      • In some Huawei phones, disable the "Contacts > Settings > Fast Calling" option.
      • In some Huawei phones, disable the "Settings > Smart Assistance > Voice Control" option.
      • In some Huawei phones, disable the "Settings > Apps > System Apps > Voice Dialer" option.
      • In some Huawei phones, maybe it's in a different location, read your user manual if needed.
    • For other phones it's possible the manufacturer has it's own voice assistant in the phone, please check it.
  3. In rare cases, the program may not record voice calls on some phone models. This is due to their hardware and software features that deviate from Android specifications (Non-exhaustive list: Google Pixel, Nexus 6P, Nexus 6, Nexus 5X, Nexus 5, Nexus 4, Moto G4, HTC M7).
  4. Only normal calls can be recorded, wifi calls can't be recorded no matter, so if your phone supports the wifi call feature please disable it.
  5. If you use bluetooth headsets, the recording may not be available.
  6. If your phone has Android version >= 9, the quality of recording will be very low or nonexistent, you can try to activate the speaker.

Solution for some cases:

You should try changing the configuration type of call and types of audio files from the 'Features Selection'.

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  • no pues los quiero felicitar por ser unos tesos y lograr fabricar un programa como lo es mobile tracker free es una excelente aplicación con la cual he logrado darle mas restricciones a mus hijo muchas felicitaciones por tener un programa sin ningún interés

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  • buenas tardes yo tengo un problema con las capturas de audio en las llamadas el telefono si escucha el microfono pero no captura la lo que se escucha de la llamada el telefono es un htc one m8 con android 6.0.1 tiene root ya cambie entra varios metodos de grabacion entre android recorder, native, native x, en lagunos solo se ecucha lo que se habla pero no lo que se escucha (recibe) y en otras configuraciones solo se escucha (lo que se recibe ) pero no funciona el microfono

    estoy por comprar la version premium pero no estoy muy seguro por este pequeño detalle

    espero me puedan apoyar

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  • buenas noches en lo que yo lo he utilizado las llamadas tienen ese detalle el cual al momento de entrar una llamada siempre se escuchas el audio de el móvil que tiene el apk, es difícil saber cual es la razón pero de resto funciona muy bien

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